OSAMA BIN LADEN was a billioniar of his time from construction company of his father saudi bin ladin company . He was the citizen of the Saudi Arabia until 1994. He was well educated man but in very early after his university degree completion he formed AL QAIDA . A group of terrorists that kills non Muslims on the name of Islam and calls it JEHAD . Very soon he get famous in the Muslim countries and  people started calling him the hero . And due the support of the uneducated people , he scaled up his level of terrisum.
                                              BIN LADEN fame of flame was not only limited to SAUDIA ARABIA but also in PAKISTAN , AFGANISTAN too . And he was most wanted man in the whole USA . But that man never stopped and no one would either get him caught .

9/11 INCIDENT :-
                                                                   HE got the real terror in the whole world when he declared the war against the whole USA. And called the war as HOLY WAR aka JAHAD . He got the love from every Muslim people and then on 11 September 2001 a horrifying incident happened in which more than 3000 people died . And marked scar on the USA that no will ever forget . 
 But it is said that , if bin laden was not included in the attack of 9/11 no one could succeed that plan . And the whole plan was only made by bin laden and he led the team .

          AFTER the 9/11 incident the USA put thier nail and tooth to capture or kill the osama bin laden. They put the reward of 25 million dollars on the information leading to capture him . It was asked to be double but only 2 million was added by a private sector of airline. In 2007 the information was given that he is in a cave hiding but in the end when it was searched they found nothing. He also gave interviews in order to tell people his ideology .and make them understand why he is killing the non Muslims . He was not foolish , he knows if he will not speak for what he did . USA will paint him in whatever picture they want him to be in the frame.

                                                                                        ON 2 MAY, 2011 the most wanted man in the whole world was killed by the navy force of USA of total 6 member of team in the ABBTABAD , PAKISTAN . He was living there with his family members and his family members were also killed in that attack. OBBAMA was the president of US that time and he ordered the attack which resulted in the death of usama bin ladin and US claims that they buried him in the grave after killing him during the 24 hours of his death.

OBBAMA said our fight was with usama not with the ISLAM. And he also called the president of pakistan zardari. H said like that :-



                                                            USAMA BID LADIN had 20 to 26 children . And the money of 25 million dollar was given to a former intelligence officer of PAKISTAN . And the place where he was found it was near the pakistan academy office . and less than 100 kilometer from the capital of pakistan .

                                           THAT is why many fingers raised on the pakistan intelligence and said that why they do not knew it , they must have knew it and there has to be a supportive system in the pakistan because he was living in the pakistan from 5 years.



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