A difficult subject to discuss as well as difficult to understand and underestimate its power .Many  people who got into love and after getting out of its cage usually scroll the love and its lover  and in some cases people cannot stop themselves from loving their lover . Even sometimes , people got so obsessed with their lover that they were ready to sacrifice their life for their lover just in order to show that they really are in love.

                                  There is no particular age of its effecting. But yes, there is special organ that effected by love and it is heart . But with the passage of time , people lose their self respect in society . And they got dispatched from their friends and family 
 what they dream ,
 what they see
, what they like
, what they want 
is just their lover simile and to see their face all life long. You could resemble it with a disease with slow death and pain of wanting someone.


                                                                  THE dragon of love also known as one sided love. This the most beautiful feeling and most beautiful kind of love . This kind born inside you and make you promise to yourself that whatever happens I keep my love alive like that :-
 you will never stop loving 
you will demand nothing
you will do the best for him
you will not turn back on him
you will keep it the secrete...
And after then , you think them in your loneliness . you cry sometimes too when you remembers the promise that you cannot tell him. You write them on papers and hide them from everyone and keep living your life like that . Not everybody understand where it leads
and those who understand , do not stop...


                                                               In my opinion you cannot chose with whom should you love and with whom you just pass the time . It is natural phenomena that could hammer anyone life at anytime . And true love breaks the person like plastic , slowly slowly and then a point comes where it had to break and he knows that . This is the magic of person that could make anyone blind , deaf and dumb at an instant of sight.    




Some people want cure of heart .
Some do not believe in its cure .
Some believe it is a curse .
And some people wants to live in its pain and scars , spending night crying , and living day in the lap silence where he comes , meet , and went off...
In my opinion , there is no end point of love , it is simply an undead feeling that growing inside your heart and sucks the happiness with innocence and respect . And by the time you know, its always late to know because it becomes your bad habit to love him . And its addiction is more than cigarette or any other addiction . 



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