Once upon a time , There was a city which was way backword than its age and rotten from its roots . This city was void of police , judicial , media and politicans . This was based only on their culture and traditions .The people of this city belives more on supernatural things than the actuall miricles . It was situated in heart of silence . Its days were as quiet as was its nights . The city was called " THE PHANTOM FALLS 

                                There was a boy who lives in that city . The boy belongs to lower middle class family and stays in simplicity because he was taught to be conventional than to be inovative in the world full of competition .  Because according to the native people , convention is a blessing of simplicity and patience and inovation is cursed fruit . People were afride of radical minded humans , they saw those people like horns on their head . His name was Ismail . Ismail goes to traditional schools everyday . These schools were made by the forefather of that village and its course was written by them about convention and its blessings .It was made to stop their next generation from moving to bigger city. He was a very good student but he never likes himself for being that good , he doesnt understood the books so he reads them so much that he membarise it like a computor saves folders . His parents were as simple as he was , they just want him to be a teacher in the same institute where he studied and buy them a second hand scooty and daughter-in-law with full of dowery and empty of  thoughts . Ismail was their only son and due to that they were very possasive about him . Due to his simplicity , his nature was similar to all other people  . He was an introvert but he had one good friend whose name was Ali and he was diffrenet from all his other friends


                          Ali had all the oppoiste chracteristics to Ismail . He was more colourfull , jolly , talkactive and extrovert kind of person . He also belonged to lower middle class family but he was nowhere close to simplicity , he had radical belives about himself . His motto of life was eat , drink and merry . Ali was born orphan , he was raised by his grandfather who was recongnised as the pride of the city because he was the retired principal of traditional school . Due to its habits of asking questions on everything , Ali was clearly not the favraites of the people as was his Grandfather . He was against the sterotypes of these people.

                         Ismail was very much keen towards his questions and his sayings about the sterotypes but he was taught for 14 years of being the dodger from these questions . Ismail was not mentaily prepared to confront the biggest fear of his life until it was at its doors with open arms 


                        One night , Ali saw a dream , which proved to be the seed of inovation . Whatever Ali saw in that dream , made him more crazier and unfortunatly blind . When he wake up after that dream , he couldnt see a thing . And his tale of myestrically loss of vision after a dream spread like fire in all the native people . And people named it 



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